Little by Little Pre-School, Barbados. Madeleine-Chrystelle Ibangu et Claver Mukawa Mabana ont célébré leur première promotion scolaire le 26 juin 2010 au cours d'une cérémonie de remise de certificats. Cette surprenante cérémonie a connu la participation de plus ou moins soixante-dix parents et enfants. Nos enfants ont trois ans et demi, et fréquenteront l'école catholique St Patrick à partir de septembre. Félicitations, jeunes gens! Comme quoi, à chaque jour suffit sa peine.
Madeleine-Chrystelle Ibangu and Claver Mukawa Mabana celebrated their first graduation on June 26 at the age of 3 and a half. It was the official end of their pre-school at Little by Little Nursery. The ceremony was serious, about seventy parents and children attended the event. All graduants proudly received a certificate from Mr. Small who held the keynote speech. From September on, they will be at St Patrick Roman Catholic School, Bridgetown. Congrats Kids!
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