8 juil. 2023

CP Graduation 2023

Back to the Future

July 8, 2023. We as family are proudly attending the CP 2023 graduation ceremony Madeleine-Chrystelle Ibangu Mabana is graduating from Coleridge and Parry Secondary School. After 5 years at this school, Ibangu is to choose either BCC or another school for the 6th form. A journey ends here, another journey starts for her from today. During the five years Mama Mapasa was driving the 18 km from our home back and forth. “Not an easy journey” as the student representative said.

As I have witnessed, these years were years of hard work, pressure and sometimes frustrations she had to face. There were moments of joy and tears, of pleasure and discouragement as well. There were challenging moments and also marvelous times. She and we went through all that. As underlined by Principal Greenidge and Guest speaker ms Shashamanne Jones, ”Your environment does not determine your outcomes.” Note please that Ms Jones is a former student of the Cave Hill LLL Department. After the speeches there was a presentation of Graduates. About 100 students. Each student received a token from the school.

The most important for us is when Madeleine-Chrystelle got called. We made pics and videos. What a great achievement. Thank you Lord for making this event happen. May she continue to work hard and make her dreams come true! 

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