2 oct. 2020

October 1

After such a long week of university meetings whereas I feel tired and exhausted, I am unable to sleep properly. I tried reading, watching a movie and a documentary but still could not sleep. I therefore have decided to come back to what I think I can do best: writing on the blog. Writing what or about what? A serious question I do not dare to address because I think I just write for the sake of writing. It is a mental exercise to me. It helps me survive in a world full of contradictions and adversities. It allows me to feel creative and empowered to find other ways of thinking and living.
I just read about President Trump and First Lady tested positive and quarantined. This virus does not respect anyone, not even the most powerful couple in the world. I think of Queen Elisabeth Ii who cautiously moved to Windsor Castle since months. Wishing them and all people infected by the pandemic, I think of... many other mighty people, rich and poor, white, black or yellow, of all nationalities. They / we all have one thing in common: being human being. The only equality which we share. We all end up in a tomb of gold or shackle, of concrete or sand. Only justice of God. Sickness is a constant reminder of such a reality. Please enjoy every moment of your life as a blessing or a celebration. Celebrate life by remaining just a normal human being. That's the question: What kind of a man are you? My Cactus Flower knows the answer. Live long MCF. 
I also read about another president asking to be assisted to tackle corruption and bring to court all the crooks who have stolen public money. My first thought was: he will never succeed in this endeavour unless he starts with himself. The most corrupt is most of the times the one entitled to ensure that justice applies to all. He will only send to jail those whom he does not like or form an obstacle to his power. He will never bother his allies who brought him to power or offered him the power. This is the reality he faces. Justice will never be just in this country. How can somebody stop corruption when he spent most of his past life practicing all the crimes he is trying to condemn now? Fake justice as simple as that! Please stop lying. Your life is known to all. Your present job will never hide all the trials you have undergone in the past. The job never hides who one really is. 
October 1 is over. Let us start October 2 and see what it brings. 

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